Our payroll audits not only review payroll compliance but also the solution design and delivery of the payroll service. This gives you a full independent assessment of your processes and service delivery to determine your payroll service's effectiveness.
A payroll audit helps you ensure that employee pay is correct and that all deductions and reporting are accurate. While some employees will immediately report if they think their pay is inaccurate, others can miss issues which can lead to overpayments for months or even years. You can catch these mistakes with a payroll audit, which should be an indispensable part of your quality assurance strategy.
Payroll teams have been under a lot of pressure over the last few years. Between legistative changes, and alterations to the way people work, payroll is more complex than ever. Our team of experts will work to find simple solutions, so that you can rest assured that your payroll is efficient and compliant.
How transactions are processed
Payroll controls, sign off and payment processes
Third-party payments and deductions such as attachment of earnings and voluntary deductions
Pensions auto enrolment, re-enrolment and pension regulator compliance
Pension scheme deductions inline with scheme best practice e.g. teachers, local government, NHS, nest schemes
HMRC records and reporting
Accuracy of payroll and how that could be improved
Payroll initiatives which could reduce costs to the business
Independent assessment of National Living/Minimum wage regulations
System configuration to ensure elements of pay are being treated correctly for tax, national insurance and pension contributions
We can offer independent reviews ahead of implementing new employee benefits or incentives to ensure they are inline with legislation and will be processed effectively in your system.