HR Tech Trends for 2019 – by Kate Wadia

How to follow the fashion but not be a trend-setter

Each year I look at the HR technology trends ahead. In this year’s feature, which you can download here. I’ve explained 10 key trends and a number of others that I encourage you to watch and wait for until another 12 months have passed us by.

Just as there is business behind the fashion industry, there is fashion behind any business industry. Technology and people technology have all the characteristics of a business with fashion.

While this is inevitably true of our industry, we think it’s important to start thinking sensibly in order to decide which of the trends are merely passing fads and which are ones we should target. A fine balance must be struck between knowing when to lead the pack and when to follow the crowd once the picture is clearer.

2019 is set to be an uncertain time in the macro environment. That means extra caution should be taken not to be cavalier with HR system investments. Avoid being too much of a trend-setter, but don’t risk your digitalisation of people functions and the employee experience by lagging too far behind.

In the year ahead, we’ll see a big agenda for integrations, partnerships, payroll and data-driven HR practices. There will be movements on pricing and new providers. Much will be said about the capabilities HR needs in order to support tech skills. But I’m going to wait it out until, for example, talent software is sorted or blockchain is ready for our adoption.

Read about the right way we suggest to drive a balanced people technology strategy in 2019 by downloading the paper: HR Tech Trends for 2019 by Kate Wadia.

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Written by : Laura Lee

Laura’s role as Head of Marketing sees her continually looking for new opportunities to tell the world how great Phase 3 is.

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