A day in the life of Laura Lee, Head of Marketing

How did you get into your career?

I got into Marketing the way that many Marketeers do, I kind of fell into it. I studied English at University and took a module about Marketing as one of the electives and I loved it. After graduating I knew I wanted to work in Marketing so started looking for jobs, the trouble was I was up against people who had actually studied Marketing and I really didn’t know my 7Ps from my elbow. I must have impressed someone though, because I landed a Marketing Assistant job after a couple of months and never looked back.

I’ve been really fortunate to work with some very talented people over the years who have taught me a lot but I still felt I needed an actual ‘Marketing Qualification’ so I went to college a few years ago and studied for my Chartered Institute of Marketing Professional Diploma.

What are the key responsibilities in your role?

I’m responsible for all the Marketing activity at Phase 3, from the website to events, PR, Partner Marketing and everything in between. I’m also responsible for not only my Phase 3 team, but also external agencies, marketing strategy and budget as well – it’s a very busy job!

Describe a typical day

As everyone says, there isn’t really a typical day in Phase 3! We are growing quickly as a business and alongside that comes a varied workload. A typical day might involve a catch up with the team, a call with one of our agencies, campaign updates, planning and a budgeting meeting. Also emails. Lots and lots and lots of emails.

What skills are needed for this role?

I cannot emphasise enough the importance of communication in marketing. Keep talking and, more importantly, keep listening. Whether it’s to colleagues, partners, or customers the more you understand and communicate with each other, the better marketeer you will be.

You’ll also need to be organised and analytical to cut through the myriad of marketing strategies out there and identify the ones that will work for you.

Acting as a coach and mentor is also a significant part of my role. I want my team to be happy and successful and a large part of that comes from them feeling that they are valued by me and have the space to learn new things.

What challenges do you face in this role?

A huge challenge in my role is prioritising what we do as a department. There are endless marketing ideas but being able to deliver those that have the biggest contribution to Phase 3 is critical.

What keeps you motivated to go into work every day?

It’s the challenge to do better than we are already doing that I love about working at Phase 3. It’s seeing your ideas come to life and watching what happens that drives me. Plus, I’m incredibly lucky to work with some amazing people at Phase 3 which makes life so much easier!

What advice would you give someone considering a career in Marketing?

I would go for it! Expect every day to be different, listen, learn and most of all enjoy it. Marketing is a career that you must be passionate about and there are so many different avenues you can take. Understand what motivates you, what you enjoy and go from there.

Laura Lee is our Head of Marketing at Phase 3

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Laura Lee image
Written by : Laura Lee

Laura’s role as Head of Marketing sees her continually looking for new opportunities to tell the world how great Phase 3 is.

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