The future of HR: The role of AI in automation

In recent years, the topic of AI has heated discussions in the HR sector and the online space. It’s a branch of computer science that enables machines to simulate human intelligence. This involves learning from data and performing tasks that traditionally require human cognition.

Although it’s becoming increasingly relevant in the workplace, trust in this new technology is low. A 2023 survey revealed that 25% of respondents don’t trust AI, with 30% neither trusting nor distrustful of it. Therefore, making informed choices means balancing workforce concerns and AI’s benefits. This blog uses these principles to guide HR professionals in successfully using AI tools in their HR systems. 

Streamlining recruitment

One of the most notable contributions of AI in HR lies in the realm of recruitment. Traditionally, hiring processes have been time-consuming and resource-intensive. Recruitment tools like TeamTailor use an AI ‘co-pilot’ or virtual assistant. Using generative AI can help streamline the recruitment process. It can summarise video interviews, scan CVs, write questions for interviewers and even write ads.

Chatbots powered by AI have also revolutionised the initial stages of recruitment. These virtual assistants engage with candidates, answering queries and collecting essential information. This provides a seamless experience for applicants and frees up HR professionals’ time. This allows them to focus on more strategic aspects of the hiring process.

Enhancing onboarding and engagement

Once a candidate is successfully recruited, AI and automation continue to play a part in the onboarding process. Chatbots can guide new hires through orientation. This can mean offering information about company policies, procedures, and other essential details. Automated onboarding systems ensure employees receive all necessary training materials promptly, creating a positive first impression. 

AI can also create personalised learning journeys for new employees. By using data and machine learning, new hires can be guided through the onboarding process in an engaging and relevant manner. These factors make employees feel ‘seen’ and invested in. It sets the stage for increased satisfaction and a great employee experience.

Automating administrative tasks

Another way AI can digitally transform the workplace is by powering automation. In HR, this means automating tasks like data entry, compliance tracking and online payslips. Programmes like Deel are a great example of AI being optimised for HR departments. They host a global knowledge base for HR professionals to tap into at the ask of a question, avoiding human error or misinformation. It can also use your organisation’s data to compile instant reports.

By embracing automation, HR professionals can focus on more complex and value-added activities. This fosters a workplace environment prioritising creativity, strategic thinking, and human connections.

Improving learning and development

Development opportunities are a staple in comprehensive benefits packages. However, it can be daunting for HR professionals to predict what skills trends are in an ever-changing working landscape. Machine learning algorithms can analyse current skill sets, industry trends, and emerging technologies to forecast the skills that will be in demand. This foresight enables HR professionals to design relevant training and development programs. 

Worries about AI

Despite all of its benefits, the integration of AI has its challenges. Job displacement and the potential dehumanisation of the workplace are legitimate worries. So, striking the right balance between technology and human touch is crucial. The ethical implications of AI in HR must also be addressed. If not carefully monitored and mitigated, bias in algorithms can perpetuate existing inequalities.

When used tactfully, AI should be viewed as a complement to human capabilities rather than a replacement. To demonstrate this, HR professionals should embrace these technologies to enhance efficiency. This allows them to focus on strategic decision-making and foster a more human-centric workplace culture.

How to successfully use AI in the workplace

When implementing HR into your workplace, it’s important to quell employees’ worries. Overall, 31% of workers are concerned about AI threatening their job security. However, in those who hadn’t used AI, this increased to over 40%. To combat this, transparency and education are key.

Meetings are a great way to create group discussions and be transparent with your team. When changes are made, it can lead to worries festering and creating distrust. Meetings and group discussions mitigate the spread of misinformation or worries. It also opens up the conversation to your employees so they can voice concerns. Below are some key talking points you can integrate into your meeting:

  • How will AI be used at work?
  • What will it improve?
  • What does this mean for job security?
  • Will HR regularly review the use of HR for ethical concerns?

This approach is also necessary throughout the lifespan of AI tools. This fosters a culture of continuous improvement. Regular feedback loops and continuous monitoring of AI systems are essential to identify and address any biases or ethical concerns that may arise during operation. Implementing AI tools isn’t just a one-time event; it requires an iterative and adaptive approach, aligning technology with the evolving needs of the organisation and its workforce. 

The connection between AI, automation, and HR means a digital transformation in workplace dynamics. These technologies streamline processes, enhance decision-making, and foster a more human-centric approach. HR departments can reap its benefits by considering and addressing concerns and utilising AI to its full potential.

Assad Ahmed image
Written by : Assad Ahmed

Assad founded Phase 3 in 2004 and is responsible for the strategy, growth and finances of the business.

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