User Experience Audit

A User Experience, or UX, audit is a way to understand how easy to use your system is for your employees. This element can often be overlooked, but the easier a system is for your team to use, the more likely they are to use it accurately and to the full extent of its capabilities.

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An audit of this nature will observe everyone who uses your system. For example in a HR setting, it is not just the HR team that is important – how well are employees able to navigate self-service functions such as booking leave or accessing policies?

This can also lead into a wider Business Process Review, where we assess and identify if the system is being used to its full potential – or if there are efficiencies to be gained through increased use of self-service or even automation.

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Furthermore, assessing employees’ digital experience can also help to identify any accessibility improvements that could be made, ensuring inclusivity across your diverse workforce.

While some aspects of a system are in the hands of the software vendor, there are often configuration options that can be used to help set up the system to suit your team’s preferences and needs. This is where the expertise of your consultant comes in, as their deep understanding of the system can help identify opportunities that you may not have been aware of in house.

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At the end of a user experience audit you will have a comprehensive report outlining opportunities for improvement – both in terms of streamlining your processes and also in identifying training needs amongst your team. Plus, our consultants can also advise on any configuration changes that can help make your team’s day to day work that little bit easier.  

All of this should result in a better employee experience, and an improved return on the investment you have made in your people technology.

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