The real impact of outdated workplace technology

The technology we choose to use in our day-to-day working lives can make a big difference to productivity and staff morale. Having the right tools for the job, whether something like iTrent Software for payroll or the latest Adobe package for design work, can be the difference between a happy workforce who gets the job done and a lethargic workforce who feel as though they are fighting a losing battle. But it’s only since The State of Work 2021 Report by Workfront, an Adobe owned company, that we can see just how much a difference the wrong technology can make in the offices of today.

The past year has been brutal for many offices, with working from home, furlough and changed working conditions meaning that workplace technology has been put under new stresses and challenges. Workfront first surveyed office workers before the pandemic and, in light of the changing global circumstances, decided to put the same questions back to them again to see how things have changed.

Employees are willing to quit over outdated tech

Revealing just how important workplace technology is, Workfront explain:

“Employees rely heavily on technology as their primary lifeline for all work activity, relationships, and outcomes, so it’s not surprising to find that digital employees are highly invested in work technology. What may be surprising is the strength of both the emotion and action workers attach to these technologies. They have left jobs and turned down offers—and nearly half of digital workers say they are willing to leave their current job if technology hurts their performance instead of elevating it.”

It just goes to show that the technology business owners choose to invest in makes more of a difference to employees than just their day-to-day life. Employees want to ensure that they are able to be productive in their working roles and aren’t held back by the technology they are using, so much so the nearly 50% of those surveyed would consider leaving their current role if it isn’t helping them.

This has been largely accelerated by the pandemic and remote working, later in the report Workfront expounds:

“Prior to the pandemic, digital workers prioritized the ‘right’ technologies above ‘new’ tech. Remote work has exposed the limits of outdated technologies, and workers are noticing. They report that old technology is making it harder to take on more work – a problem given that motivated employees crave more responsibility. Today, digital workers expect the technologies they use at work to be both up to date and fit for the job.”

Workers need the right tools for the job

Because of the new working environments caused by the pandemic, not only has the workforce been more likely to scrutinise the tools they have as they have to complete work in a new way, but they feel more passionate that the company they work for should ensure they have every tool they need to complete the job.

And, even in a global pandemic when the job market is struggling, employees won’t settle for bad technology.

“Pre-COVID-19, almost a quarter (22%) of workers say they had already quit a job because workplace tech made their jobs harder. Today, nearly a third of workers (32%) say they have said goodbye to an employer whose tech was a barrier to their ability to do good work”

The technology we use in our business is not only more important than ever because it allows our teams to work efficiently and productively, but it is also one of the most prominent ways that businesses can show their workforce that they are doing all they can to support them.

Employees are not only looking to join businesses with a strong investment in the right technology, but they are also much more likely to leave a business that isn’t supporting its staff with the right technology. 49% of respondents told Workforce that “they are likely to leave their current job if they’re unhappy or frustrated with the technology they use at work”

It just goes to show that having the right tools in place is more important than ever. We understand that, with so many options on the market, it can be hard to get rid of the noise and really narrow in on the technology that’s right for your business. At Phase 3 HR and Payroll Technology Consultants, we can work one-on-one with your business to find the right technology for your team. If you are looking for help in this area, feel free to contact us today.

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This blog has been written by Adam Ford, Head of Payroll Services at Phase 3.

Laura Lee image
Written by : Laura Lee

Laura’s role as Head of Marketing sees her continually looking for new opportunities to tell the world how great Phase 3 is.

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