Absence makes the heart grow fonder

I’ve been away for a while and I’m pleased to time my return for my first blog back on the block, providing context for a newly branded, pleased as punch, Phase 3. After all, absence makes an MD’s heart grow even fonder of her team and all that they proudly do.

As HR Technology Consultants, we’ve stuck by our tag-line ‘people behind people technology’, which predates our new look by quite some years. Many folks get our phrase here, which is great. Yet with the neatness of the marketing line, we all too readily miss a key point.

Who are the people?

Phase 3 like to think of ourselves as great people behind people technology services. Take a look at our values because we live and work them.

Assad and I employ some exceptionally talented bods and buddies. Those professional standards manifest in niche roles and work with a calibre we intend not to dilute with the temptations of growth.

Adopting new HR and payroll services – from selection, through project completion and the managed service – requires a specialist focus that is simply not realistic to achieve within your own employed FTE. Organisations do need the experts in. We hope you’ll find in Phase 3 committed partners to be your people tech people.

The people behind the people technology are those the systems exist for!

We are not the people that you bought your HR system for.

Perhaps you bought your new system for your own team in HR, Finance or IT, and I certainly hope it makes your life easier. Yet I question your business case if you did not buy it primarily for 10’s, 100’s and 1,000’s of employees and workers who belong within your organisation.

‘People behind people technology’ serves us well as a company headline. It serves to remind me, my consultants and my management team that the systems we’re behind exists not for us, nor for their own sake. HR, recruitment, business intelligence and pay systems are there to serve people doing the jobs.

Phase 3 become 3: Consulting, Services and Insights

And so now we are 3 – Phase 3 ConsultingPhase 3 Insights and Phase 3 Services!

Consulting is about solving.

You will be familiar with both new and traditional styles of Phase 3 consulting work. Bite-sized consultancy services remains a customer favourite. Consultancy is about dialogue to address a mission and being able to rely on us to stand back with perspective, apply our expertise and advise. Consultancy starts with a pro-active ask.

Insights is the sharing of knowledge about our industry.

To get the best mastery over emerging applications, we are all well-advised to triangulate what we know. We’ll offer written insights material, training and events and resources to use. We are committed to helping you develop your capabilities in HR tech.

Services support the usual, even when the unusual pops up and you are too busy to notice.

Phase 3 managed services (such as Payroll Services and System Administration) are tailored at the outset and we would be delighted if your effort thereafter was zero. We provide services so that our customers don’t have to. Happily, by applying the same calibre of consultant in order to run these services, we then make sure of a consistency/congruence and pass on quite a cost saving to you too.

And the future people behind the people tech?

Often, we rehearse the line that technology should be the servant and not the master. Only recently I think I’ve understood what that means.

In the early summer, a fairly major episode overnight lost me nearly all abilities to function and interact with people and the outside world, and with simpler stuff like my smartphone and certainly my business tech. As I rehabilitated, I faced daily choices about where I should first focus my efforts– was it more important to turn the phone on? To get the make-up case out? Or to order from Tesco first?

You can and will wish to master how you adopt consumer tech at home. You can likewise master how you adopt HR, payroll, analytics, communications and engagement systems in your organisation.

The mastery of people systems into the future, we at Phase 3 believe, is something we are in together. The people behind the people technology, yes, are our specialists with some really niche skills and skill-sets but I prefer that they are also you and your colleagues, together with solution providers and other independent partners.

The technology is there to serve us. Surely, we people matter more.

To learn more about the opportunities to develop talent and capabilities with HR technology for you, your team and your future teams, please contact Kate and colleagues here:  info@phase3.co.uk

For more information, visit the Our People page by clicking here