Mandate, maths or meaning? I think that – whether your interest is limited to the “must do” nature of new regulations this spring, in the intricacies of the data analysis or in the real organisational and societal implications of differences in gender reward – the Gender Pay Gap Reporting regulations are worthy of some close attention.
The Gender Pay Gap Reporting Paper is our paper about how to navigate those new requirements, presenting a logical approach to take and explaining some of the trickier considerations that you’ll be facing. I end with a brief sequence of practical steps HR should be taking to position analysts, HR teams and marketeers in the organisation to do your best by your results.
Note that since the writing, in the final week of January 2017, rules for the public sector were confirmed. As expected, they are a close match but for two differences: key is that the snapshot date of 31 March 2017 (and each year subsequent) applies. Secondly and necessarily, regulations amend and update existing Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) and should be read in line with those obligations.
You may also wish to have a play with an ONS calculator tool to indicate full and part time pay differences for men and women in particular jobs, as well as the proportion of each gender occupying those jobs. It’s engaging, but I would be warned about the implications of anything other than organisationally-specific narrative, reference points and role definitions. Remember that gender pay gaps are not the same as equal pay disparity. And that is not necessarily a simple message to convey out there to those focused on one pay packet!
Read the Gender Pay Gap Reporting Paper and get talking about gender pay gaps internally and with your partner providers.